Privacy Policy


TRAK HEALTH SOLUTIONS, S.L. aims to respect the privacy of its users and protect the personal data that they may provide to TRAK HEALTH SOLUTIONS, S.L..

In respect to Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter, LOPDGDD) and the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (hereinafter, GDPR) , this work of data collection will be governed by the terms described below:

Information about the person responsible for the treatment, the collection, purpose, legitimacy and time of conservation of personal data

This privacy policy contains all the information on the processing of personal data that TRAK HEALTH SOLUTIONS, S.L. performs on user data. As a sign of commitment to data protection regulations, TRAK HEALTH SOLUTIONS, S.L. makes available to the user, permanently, the information related to our privacy policy on this website.


NIF: B-02.943.348

La Marina de Valencia, Muelle de la Aduana s/n, Edificio Lanzadera

Valencia (46024 – Valencia)


Depending on the use that the user makes of this website, TRAK will need to process personal data, which, in general, will be the following:

  • Identification data (for example, name, surname, language, contact information, etc.).
  • Connection, location and navigation data (in case of interacting with us from the mobile, for example).
  • Commercial information (for example, if the user subscribes to our newsletter).

TRAK remembers that some of the personal data requested to give access to any of the functionalities or services of this website will be mandatory, since they are essential to provide the service, give access to the functionality in question, or manage the reason for your contact. and process it at an administrative level.

Depending on how the user interacts on this website, personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

CUSTOMER SERVICE Process the personal data strictly necessary to manage or resolve the query, request or request made by the user.

 Personal data will be processed for:

  • Manage the sending of commercial communications, promotions or Newsletter of all those users who have subscribed.
ENCUESTAS DE CALIDAD Sending quality surveys on the products or services provided.


The user will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided. Otherwise, TRAK may exclude the user from the services in which false data has been provided, without prejudice to other legally appropriate actions.

The legal basis that allows the processing of personal data provided by the user will be governed by the provisions of the following table:


When the user contacts through any form enabled through this web page or through any other means of contact advertised on this website, the legal basis of the treatment is the consent of the user.



In turn, TRAK has a legitimate interest in responding to requests, queries or doubts raised by the user, either through this website or through any existing means of contact with the company, including the social networks in which TRAK is present.



If the user’s contact with TRAK is made by virtue of the exercise of rights protected by any legal provision, including claims or inquiries related to TRAK’s services or products, the legal basis that governs such treatment is compliance with legal obligations. .



In the event that the data provided by the user are contact details of individual entrepreneurs and liberal professionals, the legal basis of the treatment is legitimate interest, as stipulated in article 19 of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5 , Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, in relation to article 6.1.f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016.


The legal basis for the processing of personal data for the purposes described in the marketing purpose is the consent of the user.



In the event that there is a prior contractual relationship with the user, provided that TRAK has legally obtained the contact details of the recipient and uses them to send commercial communications regarding products or services of its own company that are similar to those that were initially the object of contracting with the client, the legal basis of the treatment will be based on legitimate interest, with special reference to what is stated in the second section of article 21 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information services. the information society and electronic commerce.



In the event that the data provided by the user are contact details of individual entrepreneurs and liberal professionals, the legal basis of the treatment is legitimate interest, as stipulated in article 19 of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5 , Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, in relation to article 6.1.f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016.

QUALITY SURVEYS TRAK has a legitimate interest in carrying out quality surveys of users, in order to analyze user satisfaction with this website, the quality of customer service or the products and/or services contracted..


The period of conservation of personal data will depend on the purposes for which they were collected:


CUSTOMER SERVICE The personal data processed for this purpose will be kept for as long as necessary to attend to the query, request or request made by the user.

The personal data processed for this purpose will be kept until the user decides to withdraw consent or until TRAK no longer has a legitimate interest to process the data.



In the case of commercial communications or Newsletter, either because the user has consented to their sending or corresponds to a legitimate interest of TRAK, the user may unsubscribe from the service at any time by clicking on the link that appears at the end of the message. update you receive in your email.

QUALITY SURVEYS The personal data processed for this purpose will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the appropriate actions to improve our service, that of our products or the usability of this website, depending on the reason for the survey, or until TRAK anonymises the collected data.


The user is informed that TRAK will process the personal data during the time in which civil, commercial, administrative, criminal or fiscal responsibilities could arise, in compliance with current regulations at all times. Once these deadlines have passed, the personal data will be deleted.

TRAK informs that in order to comply with the purposes described above, it is necessary to assign or communicate the personal data provided by the user to companies linked to TRAK, as well as to companies that support us in the services we offer, such as:

Technology service providers

Service providers related to customer service

Service Providers Related to TRAK Administration

Providers and collaborators of services related to marketing and advertising

Public Administrations when required by current regulations.

It is reported that TRAK contracts the management of some of the functions necessary for the provision of the service with treatment managers located outside the EU and that, in any case, guarantee an adequate level of protection of personal data. For more information, you can send a written communication to the email address

User rights

Users who have provided personal data for TRAK to process have the following rights:



The user has the right to obtain confirmation from TRAK as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her is being processed, as well as to access the personal data held by TRAK.


The user has the right to request that TRAK rectify inaccurate data concerning him. You also have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by making an additional declaration.


The user will have the right for TRAK to delete the personal data that concerns him, always taking into account the requirements established in current legislation.
RIGHT OF LIMITATION The user will have the right to request TRAK to limit the processing of personal data, always taking into account the requirements established in current legislation.
RIGHT OF OPPOSITION The user has the right to oppose TRAK processing the personal data that concerns them when they are subject to processing based on public or legitimate interest. In this case, TRAK will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims.
RIGHT TO FILE A CLAIM The user has the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection if they consider that the rights previously stated in this privacy policy are violated or if they consider that the processing of personal data that concerns them violates Regulation (EU) 2016. /679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016 and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.


The user may exercise the rights described above by sending a written communication to the address: La Marina de Valencia, Muelle de la Aduana s/n, Edificio Lanzadera, in the town of Valencia (ZIP 46024 – Valencia); or through email including in both cases a photocopy of your ID or other similar identification document and subject “DATA PROTECTION – TRAK”.

Social networks

TRAK is present on the main social networks: Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. For this reason, it assumes the role of Responsible for the Treatment of the data discharged in its profiles derived from friends, likes, followers or followers, comments, pins, etc.

The user expressly agrees to be subject to the conditions and terms that, in terms of privacy, are provided by the different social networks or platforms where TRAK is present, empowering it to use the means that the same networks allow it to inform users about the different activities and services it performs.


Minors under 14 years of age may not use the services available on this website without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all acts carried out through this website by minors under their care. including the completion of the forms with the personal data of said minors and the marking, where appropriate, of the boxes that accompany them.

In this sense, and to the extent that TRAK does not have the capacity to control whether or not users are minors, it must be the parents, guardians or legal representatives who enable the necessary mechanisms to prevent minors from accessing this website and / or provide personal data without their supervision, TRAK not accepting any responsibility in this regard.

Security applied to personal data

In order to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data provided, TRAK has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures in order to avoid the loss of data, as well as the treatment or unauthorized access by third parties. as stipulated by current legislation on the matter and taking into account the state of technology and the nature of the data stored.

Privacy Policy Changes

This Privacy Policy may be updated at any time based on the needs of the website and future legislative changes regarding privacy, TRAK reserving this right exclusively.

In the event of such modification, TRAK will inform the user of the changes in question if they are significant for your privacy, so that the changes introduced can be reviewed, in order to assess the opposition to the processing of personal data or to give up. Low in any service or functionality. In any case, if consent is required for the processing of personal data for different purposes provided for in this privacy policy, the user’s consent will be requested in accordance with the provisions of the regulations on data protection in force at all times.

Contact with TRAK

La Marina de Valencia, Muelle de la Aduana s/n, Edificio Lanzadera

Valencia (46024 – Valencia)

Tlf. 646.94.55.68

Last modification: 12 de marzo de 2021

Legal text developed by:

Área Digital Abogados, S.L.P.