The digitalization of residences

The initiative to modernize and digitize the health sector has not left indifferent the different branches of care that make up the health and socio-health sector. As an example, the DomusVi healthcare group, in its search for a method that allows it to offer the best care to its users, has decided to introduce our digital solution, TRAK, into its treatment model.

In this way, a new product emerges aimed at increasing the quality of life of the elderly: TRAK. SILVER, the application of therapeutic exercise for advanced ages that helps promote active aging and fight against the care problems that are occurring due to the aging of the population.

It is important that we inquire into the causes of this issue.


The problem of aging

According to the WHO, most of the world’s population has a life expectancy equal to or greater than 60 years. Every country in the world is experiencing an increase in both the number and proportion of older people in the population.

By 2030, one in six people in the world will be 60 or older. By that time, the population group aged 60 and over will have risen from 1 billion in 2020 to 1400 million. By 2050, the world’s population of people in this age group will have doubled (2100 million). The number of people aged 80 and over is projected to triple between 2020 and 2050, to 426 million.


What happens in Spain?

Spain has gone through different phases in recent decades in terms of demography, there has been the transformation of moving from the “baby boom” to a process of progressive aging, despite the relief of the important temporary migratory phenomenon in the 2000s. Spain is currently characterized by one of the lowest fertility rates in the EU-27 as well as a high age of childbearing. This, together with one of the highest life expectancies both at birth and at 65 years in the OECD, means that the population pyramid is losing its traditional shape (Conde-Ruíz, 2021).

The ageing of the Spanish population has been evident year after year since 2000. In 2021 there is an aging rate of 129%, which means that there are 129 people over 64 for every 100 children under 16, according to INE data.

The challenges of the health sector with respect to ageing

The fact that ageing is not a state common to all people, as it is different for everyone, means that the public health response must be comprehensive, in order to address the enormous differences that exist in the experiences and needs of older people.

This diversity is due to the physical and social environments in which people find themselves, since that environment influences their opportunities and health-related habits. The relationship we maintain with our environment is determined by personal characteristics such as the family in which we were born, our sex and ethnicity, and that gives rise to inequalities in our relationship with health.

Globalization, technological advances (such as, on and changes in gender norms affect the lives of older persons in both direct and indirect ways. A public health response must be to take stock of current and future trends and design your policies accordingly.


Digital health as a solution to the problem: DomusVi and TRAK. SILVER

The digitalization of health services, as well as medical records, and the search for new treatment methods that integrate tele-consultations and tele-assistance, constitute a powerful resource to solve the enormous care problem posed by aging.

Following this line and aware of what this fact means, TRAK HEALTH SOLUTIONS launches its new business line TRAK.SILVER, with which it intends to offer a new exercise software focused on residential and socio-health centers and designed for the elderly.

DomusVi, one of the largest residential groups in Spain, concerned about the care of its users and wanting to offer an avant-garde service that improves their quality of life, has placed its trust in us and in our product, demonstrating that it is a company that aims to be at the forefront of innovation in clinical care.

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