• The startup aims to become the main technological tool for healthcare professionals in the country and a benchmark in eHealth.

  • It has achieved the collaboration of 6 hospitals and more than 30 physiotherapy clinics during its development.

  • Guarantees 70% adherence to therapeutic home exercise.


TRAK has developed the first telerehabilitation software capable of extending physiotherapy treatment to the patient’s home by prescribing therapeutic exercise. In this way, it ensures the correct evolution of patients who come to the different rehabilitation services in the country.

Ehealth is an emerging field at the intersection of medical informatics, public health and business. It is in this context that TRAK was born, as an application focused on the healthcare discipline of rehabilitation.

Through Lanzadera, the largest business accelerator in Spain, and through a series of collaborations with large entities in the healthcare sector such as the Ribera Salud, TRAK has grown as a platform made by and for healthcare professionals for the benefit of the patient. Dr. Miguel Ángel López Vázquez, head of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service at Povisa Hospital, supported the project with the following words: “The specific development of rehabilitation applications is a step forward, as it will allow the design of individualized training programs where distance or the closure of a physiotherapy room is no longer a serious disadvantage for many patients.

The idea of TRAK was born in the middle of the pandemic by 3 young entrepreneurs with the aim of modernizing a sector that lacked solutions adaptable to an increasingly computerized society.

Today, the company has 8 members, continues to grow and has just launched its first product aimed at physiotherapy clinics.



TRAK is the telerehabilitation software for the prescription of therapeutic exercise sessions.

Its Artificial intelligence algorithm is able to identify up to 20 joint points on the human body and only requires the camera of a laptop or smartphone to obtain corrections in real time.

The patient can communicate with his physiotherapist by means of rating scales or by using an integrated chat so that he always feels accompanied in his treatment. During the development of the project, the patients surveyed ratified the platform with a score of 8.75/10 in terms of satisfaction and usability.

The healthcare professional will be able to know at a glance any data related to the session performed by the patient, such as the number of repetitions, the range of movement or the duration of the exercise, guaranteeing a complete and personalized monitoring of each case.

If you need more information, you can request a 15-day demo on their website at www.www.trakphysio.com/solicitar-prueba/

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