Hello everyone!

In this post we will introduce you to what Trak is and the technology we use to improve the patient experience. You will also learn how our artificial intelligence works, which allows us to analyze body movements in real time.


The prescription of therapeutic exercise is a fundamental pillar of the patient rehabilitation process, as it is beneficial for people with a variety of chronic diseases commonly treated by physical therapists (Taylor et al., 2007).

Exercise cards remain the most common system among physical therapists for prescribing exercises. Even so, the patient usually does not complete the exercises, the results of adherence to treatment stand at 30%. This is because the patient does not understand the exercises, does not feel assisted, or simply because he or she loses the sheet. In addition, they are difficult to customize and the treatment is very generic.

All this worsens the rehabilitation experience and makes exercise conceived as tedious and boring.



Trak is the tool for healthcare professionals to prescribe quality digital treatments and monitor patient follow-up.

Trak has a library of more than 200 exercises, which allows prescribing personalized treatments to each patient in less than a minute.

Then, by means of an Artificial Intelligence algorithm, Trak assists and corrects the patient in his rehabilitation. The patient only needs a cell phone or laptop to access this new way of exercising.

In turn, the healthcare professional has access to a control panel to follow the evolution of each patient with objective and subjective metrics to monitor their progression. As for objective metrics, Trak records several parameters per exercise, for example: the number of repetitions, the range of motion, the duration of the exercise… All these data allow the healthcare professional to know the patient’s evolution in an objective way and thus be able to adapt the treatment to the patient’s needs.

In addition, the control panel has an alert system that notifies the healthcare professional of any inconsistency in the patient’s treatment. The alert system notifies if the patient is performing the exercises and in the event of a worsening sensation, Trak generates a notification automatically. This allows the healthcare professional to pay special attention to those patients with an alert. To offer a personalized service, the platform has an integrated communication channel to improve patient-healthcare professional communication.


But, what is this Artificial Intelligence?

Trak has an artificial intelligence system that assists the patient when exercising and reports objective data of the rehabilitation process to the healthcare professional.  To use this system, the patient only needs his or her cell phone, tablet or laptop with a camera, thus avoiding wearables or other devices.

Through the patient’s camera, an artificial vision algorithm is capable of identify up to 20 body points located in the joints of the human body. Trak’s algorithm processes images from the patient’s camera to identify joints with 90% accuracy.

If the patient does not perform the exercise incorrectly, Trak corrects you in real time and guides you by voice commands throughout your session. In addition, Trak is able to measure data such as joint balance to improve the rehabilitation process prescribed by your physiotherapist.


Patient experience

Adherence to treatment is a major conditioning factor in the prescription of therapeutic exercise to be performed at home, which is why a remote treatment must take into account the patient’s experience. The design of the tele-rehabilitation platform has been carried out taking into account the patient’s needs and after contrasting all the functionalities with them.

Patients are active agents of their recovery, with the aim of involving them in the treatment, Trak has gamification mechanisms that motivate and challenge the patient to continue with their recovery. These mechanics encourage the patient to perform the prescribed exercises, reaching an adherence rate of 70%. In addition, they feel accompanied in the rehabilitation process as they are aware that their therapist is monitoring their treatment. All of this makes the patient’s rehabilitation experience much more complete, and can build patient loyalty. Currently, the tele-rehabilitation experience with Trak has an 8.47 out of 10 satisfaction rating among patients.

If you want to find out how you could improve your patients’ experience, contact us and we will give you a free trial.

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