El problema de la rehabilitación post-COVID

El 70% de los pacientes de COVID sufren secuelas musculares y respiratorias que requieren rehabilitación terapéutica.

Los fisioterapeutas y médicos rehabilitadores tienen un papel fundamental en el manejo de estos pacientes, ya sea durante su estancia en cuidados intensivos, en los sectores hospitalarios convencionales, o bien durante la fase de seguimiento y rehabilitación en el domicilio.

La estancia prolongada en cuidados intensivos tiene consecuencias sobre todo respiratorias y ortopédicas. Además, aparte de los pacientes que requieren cuidados intensivos, el cuadro clínico del ataque relacionado con COVID-19 (deficiencias respiratorias, cardiovasculares, hepato-renales, neurológicas, cognitivas, musculoesqueléticas, metabólicas y conductuales) puede resultar en necesidades de rehabilitación en estos pacientes. El cuidado de la fisioterapia se basa, por tanto, en 3 aspectos: el respiratorio, el motor y la prevención de complicaciones. (Smondack P. et al, 2021)

Captain Cooks Casino: The Canadian Roadmap to Gaming Excellence

Welcome to the world of online gaming excellence, where Canadian players are embarking on an exhilarating journey with Captain Cooks Casino. As technology continues to advance, the casino industry has evolved to provide a thrilling and convenient gaming experience for players across the globe. In this article, we will explore how Captain Cooks Casino has become a Canadian roadmap to gaming excellence, offering an array of exciting games, generous bonuses, and a trusted platform for players to enjoy their favorite casino games in the comfort of their own homes.

Join us as we delve into the captivating world of Captain Cooks Casino, uncovering the key features that make it a top choice for Canadian players. From its extensive game selection, including popular slots, table games, and progressive jackpots, to its commitment to player safety and fair play, we will discover why Captain Cooks Casino has earned its reputation as a leader in the online gaming industry. So, get ready to set sail on a thrilling adventure and discover why Captain Cooks Casino is the ultimate destination for Canadian players seeking gaming excellence.

The Rise of Captain Cooks Casino: A Journey through Canadian Gaming History

Captain Cooks Casino is the ultimate destination for Canadian gamers seeking a roadmap to gaming excellence. With its captivating interface and an extensive collection of top-quality casino games, Captain Cooks Casino provides an immersive and thrilling gaming experience. The Captain Cooks Canada page offers a wide range of games, including popular slots, table games, and progressive jackpots, ensuring that there is something for every type of player.

On the Captain Cooks Canada page, players can enjoy a seamless and secure gaming environment. The casino is licensed and regulated by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, ensuring fair gameplay and player protection. Additionally, Captain Cooks Casino utilizes state-of-the-art encryption technology to safeguard players’ personal and financial information. With its user-friendly interface and responsive customer support, Captain Cooks Casino caters to the needs of Canadian players, providing a gaming platform that is both reliable and enjoyable. Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the world of online gaming, Captain Cooks Casino is the go-to destination for a remarkable gaming experience.

Unleashing the Potential: Exploring Captain Cooks Casino’s Cutting-Edge Gaming Technologies

Captain Cooks Casino is a premier online gaming platform that offers Canadian players an exceptional roadmap to gaming excellence. With its wide selection of games, outstanding customer service, and secure banking options, this casino has established itself as a top choice for Canadian gamblers. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Captain Cooks Casino provides an immersive and thrilling gaming experience that is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.

One of the standout features of Captain Cooks Casino is its impressive collection of over 550 games. From classic table games like blackjack and roulette to popular slots and video poker, there is something for everyone. The casino also offers a variety of progressive jackpot games, giving players the chance to win life-changing sums of money. What sets Captain Cooks Casino apart from other online casinos is its commitment to fair play and transparency. The casino is licensed by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission and is regularly audited by eCOGRA to ensure that all games are fair and that players’ personal and financial information is kept secure.

Navigating the Canadian Gambling Landscape: Captain Cooks Casino’s Contribution to Responsible Gaming

Captain Cooks Casino is a premier online gaming platform that offers Canadians an exceptional roadmap to gaming excellence. With a vast selection of over 550 games, including popular slots, table games, and progressive jackpots, players are guaranteed endless entertainment and the chance to win big. The casino is powered by Microgaming, a leading software provider known for its cutting-edge technology and immersive gaming experiences.

One of the standout features of Captain Cooks Casino is its generous welcome bonus. New players can take advantage of a unique offer that gives them 100 chances to become an instant millionaire for just $5. This incredible opportunity is made possible through the casino’s progressive jackpot slot, Mega Moolah, which has consistently created millionaires around the world. This exclusive offer sets Captain Cooks Casino apart from its competitors and provides players with an unrivaled gaming experience.

In addition to its impressive game selection and lucrative promotions, Captain Cooks Casino is committed to providing a safe and secure gaming environment for its players. The casino holds licenses from reputable authorities like the Kahnawake Gaming Commission and the Malta Gaming Authority, ensuring that all operations are conducted with the highest standards of fairness and integrity. With state-of-the-art encryption technology, players can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their personal and financial information is protected at all times.

Setting Sail for Success: Captain Cooks Casino’s Impact on the Canadian Economy and Tourism

Captain Cooks Casino is a leading online gaming platform that offers a thrilling and immersive experience for Canadian players. With its extensive selection of games, secure payment methods, and exceptional customer service, Captain Cooks Casino has become the go-to destination for Canadian players seeking gaming excellence.

One of the standout features of Captain Cooks Casino is its vast collection of over 550 games. From classic table games like blackjack and roulette to popular slot titles, there is something for everyone. The casino partners with renowned game provider Microgaming, ensuring high-quality graphics, smooth gameplay, and exciting bonus features.

When it comes to security and reliability, Captain Cooks Casino goes above and beyond. The platform is licensed and regulated by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, providing players with peace of mind that their personal and financial information is protected. Additionally, the casino utilizes advanced encryption technology to ensure secure transactions, making it a trusted choice for Canadian players.

Customer satisfaction is a top priority at Captain Cooks Casino. The platform offers 24/7 customer support, ensuring that players can always receive assistance whenever needed. Whether it’s a technical issue or a general inquiry, the friendly and knowledgeable support team is available via live chat or email to provide prompt and helpful solutions. With its commitment to excellence in gaming, Captain Cooks Casino is undoubtedly a top choice for Canadian players.

In conclusion, Captain Cooks Casino offers Canadian players a roadmap to gaming excellence that is hard to resist. With its impressive collection of over 550 games, including popular slots, table games, and live casino options, this online casino provides endless entertainment for all types of players. The user-friendly interface, secure banking options, and 24/7 customer support ensure a seamless gaming experience. Moreover, the generous welcome bonus and loyalty program add extra value to players’ journeys. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to online gambling, Captain Cooks Casino is the perfect destination to embark on a thrilling gaming adventure. Sign up today and prepare to set sail on a voyage of excitement and rewards!

La pandemia que ha generado el coronavirus ha puesto de manifiesto los problemas asistenciales de los servicios sanitarios cuando estos se vieron colapsados por la avalancha de casos leves y graves de pacientes que portaban la enfermedad. Esto no fue diferente para los servicios de rehabilitación que, en muchos casos, fueron cerrados dejando sin asistencia a multitud de pacientes.

Ahora, aunque la situación ha sido estabilizada gracias a la vacunación, la pandemia sigue suponiendo un reto a nivel clínico. Tanto en las primeras fases de la enfermedad como en las de recuperación y seguimiento de las secuelas de la misma.

Conscientes de este hecho y en el marco del programa de innovación Horizonte 2020la UE lanzó el proyecto COVID X, que pretende llevar la lucha contra la pandemia a un nuevo nivel, ayudando a cerrar la brecha existente entre el sector digital y el sistema sanitario europeo.

El proyecto busca soluciones de IA y Big Data que luchen contra los desafíos que propone el coronavirus, validando y escalando los resultados para salvar vidas.

Es en este contexto es donde tiene lugar la asociación de nuestra entidad, TRAK, con la Clínica Asunción de Guipúzcoa.

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Un proyecto de rehabilitación digital en la lucha contra la pandemia

El programa COVID-X financia a empresas tecnológicas y proveedores de atención médica para acelerar soluciones basadas en datos con capacidad de superar retos en el diagnóstico, pronóstico y seguimiento de la enfermedad.

De esta manera, las dos entidades guipuzcoanas se han aliado para desarrollar un proyecto de telerehabilitación para pacientes post-COVID que encajase en el proyecto y han conseguido que sea uno de los trece seleccionados de entre los casi 80 que se presentaron al programa.

Así lo explicaba nuestro CEO, Jon Vital Corres, recientemente en una entrevista en el Diario Vasco:

«El proyecto que vamos a desarrollar junto con Asunción Klinika busca, mediante TRAK, nuestra plataforma de telerrehabilitación, dar respuesta a algunos de los retos que ha planteado la pandemia.

Por una parte, de cara a los pacientes de patologías musculoesqueléticas, reducir la necesidad de desplazamientos al servicio de  rehabilitación sin menoscabar la calidad asistencial; y, por otra, ofrecer rehabilitación digital específica para pacientes post COVID. Hoy por hoy no existe ninguna herramienta en el mercado que ofrezca un servicio de fisioterapia digital a este tipo de pacientes y por eso nosotros queremos dar el paso para que TRAK sea esa solución que necesita el sector».

De esta manera podemos expresar que TRAK aporta al proyecto la herramienta tecnológica, una plataforma de tele rehabilitación, única en el mercado, que permite el seguimiento y monitorización de pacientes con diversas patologías mediante Inteligencia Artificial.

Asunción Klinika, por su parte, aporta la visión clínica. Los médicos rehabilitadores y fisioterapeutas del centro han validado los vídeos de ejercicios de la plataforma y han propuesto otros nuevos. Además, en breve se va a poner en marcha un testeo con pacientes del servicio de rehabilitación pautado y controlado por su equipo, para que los pacientes continúen el tratamiento en sus casas y sin necesidad de desplazarse al gimnasio.

¿Qué es TRAK?

TRAK es una software médico de telerehabilitación que, mediante inteligencia artificial, ofrece a los fisioterapeutas una herramienta para que puedan prescribir ejercicio terapéutico de una manera más ágil y sencilla.

Además, da al paciente una vía para que se ejercite y haga los ejercicios que le mande su fisioterapeuta, de manera correcta y controlada, utilizando únicamente la cámara de su dispositivo móvil o portátil. El sistema de visión artificial de TRAK permite a la plataforma  ‘pensar’ por nosotros y ser capaz de darle al paciente correcciones en tiempo real.


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