The 15 most influential professionals in healthcare and digitalization

ebook: 15 profesionales de la sanidad

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Discover the most influential healthcare professionals in the national arena

This eBook will show you who are the most influential professionals in the healthcare sector in terms of innovation and digitalization, as well as important concepts such as Key Opinion Leaders or Digital Opinion Leaders.

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What's inside?

A guide to help you understand the importance and impact of influencers and opinion leaders in the health sector

What is a KOL?

KOLs vs. Decision Makers

Influencers: the power of DOLs

Ranking of the most influential professionals in healthcare today

Who is the eBook for?

For health professionals and health centre managers

If you are a healthcare professional or if you are involved in the management of healthcare centres, you can’t miss this content to keep up to date.

Who are the KOLs of the moment?, How did they rise to the top and why did we include them in our eBook?

The importance of health experts

Key Opinion Leaders are those people who are a reference to be followed in a given sector.

In the case of healthcare, they are those professionals whose opinion, either because of their expertise, background and/or contribution to the sector, are at the forefront of knowledge and innovation in healthcare.

These opinion leaders can be physicians, hospital executives, health system directors, researchers, members of patient advocacy groups and more.

In this ebook, we praise such relevant figures as Jaime del Barrio, who already participated in our TRAK. Event III or Cristina Bescos, director of innovation at EIT Health.

Because KOLs have so much experience, their influence is significant within the communities, circles and societies to which they belong.

They can generate awareness of a new drug or device, and even help increase sales volume for providers. They can influence purchasing decisions within their own hospitals or networks. This is their true potential.

This is why they are targeted by pharmaceutical companies and medical device and software companies.

Social media has also been driving the way healthcare organisations connect with consumers, suppliers and industry experts.

So it’s not just KOLs we need to consider, but also DOLs or Digital Opinion Leaders, who became key focal points when COVID-19 put an end to face-to-face conferences, presentations and meetings, highlighting the need to communicate, educate, negotiate and deal telematically.

Most of today’s KOLs advocate the paradigm shift of digitalization and have a clinical and digital background.

Technology has burst into the healthcare sector modifying habits, protocols, work methodologies, treatments and patient monitoring. This means not only the advancement of medical science, but also a giant step forward in terms of social and socio-health benefits.

These are some of the reasons why hospitals and clinics, healthcare organisations and national health systems are focusing their attention on the implementation of digital solutions for today’s healthcare problems.

This requires the collaboration and cooperation of healthcare systems, led and advised by diligent and influential experts and KOLs, to generate adequate regulation and promote the implementation of such solutions.

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