How do I monetise my telerehabilitation service?

monetizar la fisioterapia online

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Discover a business model based on online physiotherapy

We will introduce you to such new and essential concepts as telecare or telerehabilitation and will teach you how to create your own service step by step, while showing you how to make it profitable.

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What's inside?

A guide that will teach you how to create, manage and monetise a digital physiotherapy service

Socio-economic trends in the health sector

Business models in digital health

How do I implement a digital physiotherapy service?

Monetising digital treatments

Who is the eBook for?

For healthcare professionals

If you are a healthcare professional and you want to create a digital rehabilitation service, don’t miss this content.

Where do I start building my digital service? How do I manage it? What are the socio-economic benefits?

Pain and physiotherapy units

An inevitable result of the recent pandemic and the arrival of digitalization in healthcare has been the rise of digital hospitals or non-face-to-face consultations and development of applications such as ours, so that patients can keep track of everything related to their health from their mobile phones and professionals can monitor their treatment remotely.

Telemedicine, as we mentioned in one of our posts, represents not only the advancement of medical science, but also a giant step forward in terms of social and socio-health benefits, empowering patients and making them participants in their own treatment.

It is about offering all those services that a patient would find in a hospital centre from the comfort of their own home and using a device with an internet connection. The ability to make consultations from anywhere, closer monitoring in the case of chronic pathologies, reducing waiting lists and extending the work margin.

There are many professionals who warn about the possible dehumanisation of the healthcare system with the implementation of this type of solution, as Jiménez-Rodríguez et al. pointed out in a (pre-pandemic) article in 2019, which is why it is important to use these tools with consideration and caution. Seeking to empathise with the patient at all times.

That is why this care model that is presented to us is not suitable a priori for all types of patients. Because some patients have more complex pathologies that require presence and more exhaustive care by the physiotherapist, telerehabilitation is a tool that facilitates the work of health professionals and guarantees correct monitoring of the patient.

Those who still want to change, those who still want to improve or those new professionals who are emerging and are encouraged to use this work model will implement it, but it requires a change of mentality, a change of resources and a patient education work that requires time and effort.

Frequently asked questions