Assessment and diagnosis in e-health

A fundamental part of choosing a treatment, especially in digital physiotherapy, is the assessment of the patient and the consequent diagnosis of their disease. As Díaz Arribas et al. in 2005, physiotherapy is, like other health disciplines, “the science of probabilities and an art of managing uncertainty”.

Carrying out a thorough physiotherapy assessment will allow the health professional to formulate a hypothesis that will later be corroborated with your treatment. This will allow you to set goals that are concrete, achievable and beneficial to the patient.

Digital health technology offers a solution that uses digital outcomes to measure and monitor disease status and provide meaningful results for both patients and healthcare professionals. With concepts like personalized and precision medicine leading the way, the healthcare landscape is becoming increasingly digital. (Rochester et al. 2020)

It is important that the different medical disciplines adapt to this care model, which provides therapeutic interventions driven by software based on scientific evidence for the prevention and management of different pathologies.

Tools such as TRAK, capable of monitoring remote treatment, establishing a direct contact channel between the patient and the physiotherapist and making an approximate assessment of the patient’s sensations and joint range, allow the personalization and universalization of the physiotherapy treatment and that be available anytime, anywhere.

Distance rehabilitation service

Implementing a remote rehabilitation model can be really complicated if we are not used to using remote tools. For this reason, one of our objectives as a company is to help the different health centers, from hospitals to clinics, to implement a work methodology that adjusts to the use of digital applications.

Hybrid rehab

This work model is the one that enjoys the most acceptance in terms of working with digital tools because it allows the combination of traditional physiotherapy and the use of remote rehabilitation.

We propose carrying out an initial interview through a video call so that the presence of the patient in your center is not necessary. In it, you must complete your file and establish your background, in addition to the possible injury mechanism. A good clinical history is essential to establish an adequate treatment.

Then you can be called for a consultation to carry out an exhaustive assessment of your case and establish the treatment and a work methodology with the exercise protocols of our platform.

Digital rehabilitation

Once a hybrid rehabilitation model has been implemented, we can introduce a completely digitized methodology in which you can carry out the anamnesis, assessment and treatment completely remotely.

For this, a platform like ours is needed, capable of uniting the three functionalities in one. Do you want to know how the TRAK evaluation system works? Keep reading!

Telerehabilitation: Assessment with TRAK

The telerehabilitation application, is capable of analyzing the movement of patients not only during exercise, but also by establishing joint tests that the physiotherapist can send to find out the status and progression of the pathology.

The artificial intelligence of our medical software is capable of measuring the joint ranges of patients with an accuracy of 90%, analyzing the degrees and distances of up to 20 body points.

In addition, TRAK incorporates a large library of scales and clinical questionnaires that will be of great help to the physiotherapist when it comes to obtaining information to complete the clinical history and determine the treatment of his patient.

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